Toothpaste Squeezer

Tired of wasting toothpaste? Hard to get the last bits of cream or lotion out of a tube? Then the Toothpaste Squeezer is the tool for you!

Easy to use with a large finger hole to pull by. Simply slip it onto the tube and pull the tube through. Easy peasy.

This handy gadget is low cost and will help you save money in the long run (and even in the short run!) by making your creams and toothpaste tubes last longer.

Warning: Not to be used on Aluminium tubes such as certain glues (e.g. superglue) and the odd cream tube, as there is a large risk of pinching and bursting the Aluminium tube. The Aluminium folds instead of squeezes flat, creating pinch points instead of a smooth flat profile like a toothpaste tube will.

These toothpaste squeezers are available for sale at NZD$5 each.

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